About School

Navjyoti Global School is the sister concern of Navjyoti Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, which has been into the skill development domain from over one decade. It has trained over 1 Lac youth and placed over 65k youth across India.  It has presence all over India.  It has been working on various Government of India projects to Skill the youth including Person with Disability, Widows, marginalized society, women empowerment and rural India youth. During its journey of skilling to youth it has been observed that right education from grass root level is missing grossly.

During its journey of skilling to youth it has been observed that right education from grass root level is missing grossly. It has observed we live in very troubled times. All around us, we see tremendous unrest. There is so much tension and unrest today that one is forced to pause and ponder — what has gone wrong with the world? Why is humanity in so much turmoil? Why is there so much unrest across the globe? With all the advancement man has made in science and technology, we should expect nearing a state of utopia. But instead, we seem to be heading towards utter destruction. The planet is dying; it is on the brink of annihilation. We have abused it to a point where it is finding itself impossible to sustain. Thus, today what we see around us is a humanity that is aggressively violent, emotionally unstable, and recklessly unmindful of its own destructive behavior and thus moving towards obliteration. This is a holistic perspective of the world today, at large. Now, let us take a more individualistic view of the situation. On a more personal note, how can we sum up our lives today, in terms of its quality and wholesomeness? Are we living a life we can be truly grateful of? Have we been able to retain the childlike joy and euphoria? Does it feel like a blessing to be born? Are we blissful and rejoicing every moment? Have our lives reached a point where we can say that we have achieved the kind of life we aspired for when we were young? Are we at least, at ease and content with ourselves, if not joyful and ecstatic? Is there at least, a feeling of satisfaction within us if not a great sense of fulfilment? The answer is most likely… a resounding ‘No‘.

We are frustrated, unhappy and at times even depressed. We rarely ever feel ‘at home‘: the feeling of being completely at ease, assuredly secure and mentally at peace. There is so much incomprehensible anxiety and unrest within us. Our lives are so stressful and full of drudgery. There is not a moment‘s rest. And we are not talking about taking physical rest. We are referring to a genuine feeling of being mentally carefree.

Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

~ Viviane Greene

To make the changes at grass root level, it has taken the step towards making the world better and brighter and cohesive by imparting the real knowledge which inculcates faith, humility, meekness, forbearance, devotion and love for the mankind.
• Our pupil will learn to accept their own uniqueness. They will learn to set priorities and make decisions. They will learn to live with their limitations. They will learn to give the respect that is due. And will treat themselves the most vital mortal.

• To make this happen we have introduced design thinking approach which will make our pupil solutions oriented than the problem giver. Design thinking at such an early age that creativity just blossoms. They can think outside the box, they learn that there is not a problem that they cannot resolved. We take them to slum area and show the problem, we share environmental challenges, and work with them to find out the better solutions. Innovation, creativity, research, imagination, curiousness and collaborative approach makes them ready resource for solving bigger problems in time to come.

• Today when we see around us, most the generation working in the industry comes up with the issues / problems and not with the solutions. To make our pupils the world’s leader we work on design thinking approach where they work on the problem solving aspects. This approach helps in growing their intellectual, analytical and critical thinking mind. While working on design thinking we work on Empathy, Define, ideate, prototype, Test, and publish. Our pupil will understand the value of natural resource, importance of life, importance of speaking truth, self-reliance and most importantly a solutions provider to the universe.