About Us
Navjyoti Global School is the sister concern of Navjyoti Global Solutions Pvt Ltd, which has been into the skill development domain from over one decade. It has trained over 1 Lac youth and placed over 65k youth across India. It has presence all over India. It has been working on various Government of India projects to Skill the youth including Person with Disability, Widows, marginalized society, women empowerment and rural India youth. During its journey of skilling to youth it has been observed that right education from grass root level is missing grossly.
Our Vision
To imbibe the values which can bring the change to unlock the door to personal excellence, the will to win, the desire to succeed and the urge to reach full potential.
Our Mission
The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. We intend to make the thinking wiser and better who can think for the betterment of the entire universe.
We want to make thinking of our pupil who would say that “I would rather walk with parents in the dark than go alone in the light”.
Gurusharan Khurana who has been working selflessely for the mankind from over decade after leaving the job with MNC. He has trained over 1 lac youth and placed over 60000 youth. He has worked into skill development domain and have centres all over India.
Passionate to bring the change in the society is what drives him. He is self motivated and have been working for the rural youth, person with disability, widows, women empowerment and marginalized people.
His experience of Industry and skill development give an edge to provide the world class education as he has seen what is required by the industry and produced by the academia.
The very reason of coming to education profession is to develop the pupil from the very early age so that they can conquer the world. Design thinking is the way to success.